So, here's what happened. I paid the 80 dollars for the "Exam Simulator" for 3000 questions that were "Developed by a 30 member committee of certified LEED Accredited Professionals, licensed architects and Civil And Environmental Engineering leaders with 193 years of combined green building experience." In retrospect, I suppose I should have realized that 3000 questions for a LEED Green Associate is not realistic. Most of the exam practice tests out there for the LEED Green Associate have about 700. The website said I should receive my order in a few days.
I did, in fact, receive the "3,000 LEED V3 Sample Questions with Rationale CDRom Simulation Software." It looks very homemade, so when I first opened it, I was suspicious. After a couple months of studying for this, I was ready to take a practice test! I started up the simulator... and the first question was written REALLY poorly (like someone who just learned English was typing). The question SORT OF had to do with LEED things.. but barely. And I knew from seeing sample questions in other study guides that this was not the type of question that would be on the test. I continued with hopes it was just a fluke for the first question...and I was let down. Here are some examples of the questions:
"During a storm, topsoil can be washed into nearby streams, other water bodies, or storm water systems. On which portion the protection of site from erosion during construction can carry positive effect?"
What is that question even trying to ask here?
"Compressed work weeks received a lot of news coverage but they are not new. When did they get news coverage?"
The answer choices had to do with the cost of gasoline. I'm 100% sure this question would NOT appear on the LEED Green Associate, as it has NOTHING to do with it.
The guy who made the software did make an exam simulation with a timer, but the content was wrong, and the actual language of the questions was incoherent and hard to understand. I am now under the impression this was a huge scam. He tries to trick you into thinking it's a real product, even sending you a bullshit CD. I tried emailing their "customer service", but didn't get a reply.
So, this is my warning! Don't buy the Exam Simulator from ! It's a scam. (If you are looking for LEED Green Associate practice exams, I would suggest this: After much research this time, this seems to be one of the best practice exams out there for this test! I took one practice test so far, and it is very helpful! THIS is what I had been looking for!)
After realizing this, I had to get a new credit card, and I called my bank to dispute the charges. Pretty annoying stuff. I told my friend about what happened to me, and he asked me what the website was. Then he looked into it more and sent me this:
It looks like this guy sells shovelware in a few different fields. I haven't checked them out in any detail, but I'd assume that they're just as bad as his LEED program.
His domains:
His domain WHOIS info (may or may not be accurate):
Baker, Jerald
2893 S 1st st
san jose, California 95112
United States
(415) 342-3478 Fax --
You're not the first person to have been scammed by him, either. Check out update-the-leed-2009-exam/# comment-2387
This guy seems like a pretty dirty scammer, although not terribly bright. I've even found a post online where he attempts to buy an eBay account with a high feedback rating - .account-positive-feedback-by- thenewguy639_243043.html
So, there you go. This guy sucks. I hope this post ruins his scams and no one will be fooled by him again!... And good luck with the LEED Green Associate Exam!
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteI saw this and HAD to message you. This man, known as "Sean" to me, IS A JERK. His e-mail is the same, and he is from San Jose, California. I started doing freelance work from him-and he didn't pay me. This man is a FAKE! He is posting freelance jobs on,, and, each of his screen names are different but they are all for the same ad. Why he wants the work done, I don't know, because it is really wierd work-I assume he is going to sell it, but he doesn't pay! What a jerk.